An A-Z Index of the Bash command line for Linux

An A-Z Index of the Bash command line for Linux

  alias    Create an alias •
  apropos  Search Help manual pages (man -k)
  apt-get  Search for and install software packages (Debian/Ubuntu)
  aptitude Search for and install software packages (Debian/Ubuntu)
  aspell   Spell Checker
  awk      Find and Replace text, database sort/validate/index
  basename Strip directory and suffix from filenames
  bash     GNU Bourne-Again SHell 
  bc       Arbitrary precision calculator language 
  bg       Send to background
  break    Exit from a loop •
  builtin  Run a shell builtin
  bzip2    Compress or decompress named file(s)

List of some DDOS tools

This list for understanding DDOS attacks and what it works. 



List of all top Vulnerability Exploitation Tools

Vulnerability Exploitation: These are the tools that you would use in order to gain access to various places.

1. Metasploit 

2. sqlmap 

3. sqlninja 

List of top Forensics Tools

Forensics: This refers to tools that are used for computer forensic. They are used in order to find evidence that is existing in computer systems.

2. Helix

List of top Encryption Tools

Encryption Tools: In an age where more and more governments are being found spying on their own citizens, encryption is the word of the day. These tools allow you to encrypt your data so that even if someone does get through, they can’t get to the data easily.

1. TrueCrypt 

2. OpenSSH 

List of Other Hacking Tools

Other Hacking Tools: There are also other miscellaneous hacking tools that are often used by hackers. They can’t be put into a particular category, but they are still quite useful.

1. Netcat

List of top Password Cracking tools

Password Crackers: The name is pretty self explanatory in this case. These tools help you recover passwords from the data that a computer system is storing or transmitting over a network.

1. Ophcrack 

2. Medusa 

List of top Wireless Hacking tools

Wireless Hacking: These are tools that help you hack into wireless networks. Wireless hacking tools though useful, do not make you a complete hacker. In order to achieve that, you must learn the different ways in which a secure network can be accessed. Also, you should work on making your own network as secure as possible.

2. Kismet 

List of top Web Vulnerability Scanners

Web Vulnerability Scanners: While vulnerability scanners are meant for your system, web vulnerability scanners assess the vulnerability of web applications. The identify the security vulnerabilities that your app may have through various tests.

List of all Top Hacking Operating Systems

Hacking Operating Systems: These are operating systems that have been designed specifically for hackers. These distros are preloaded with tools that a hacker needs etc.

3. SELinux

Funny commands in LINUX

1. Cowsay

Install cowsay with apt.
$ sudo apt-get install cowsay
Cowsay is a talking cow that will speak out anything you want it to.
$ cowsay "Hi, How are you"      
< Hi, How are you >
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||

All windows commands

All windows commands. Use your system like a GENIUS and 

without mouse.

ASSOC Displays or modifies file extension associations.

ATTRIB Displays or changes file attributes.

BREAK Sets or clears extended CTRL+C checking.
*BCDEDIT Sets properties in boot database to control boot loading.
CACLS Displays or modifies access control lists (ACLs) of files.
CALL Calls one batch program from another.
CD Displays the name of or changes the current directory.
CHCP Displays or sets the active code page number.
CHDIR Displays the name of or changes the current directory.
CHKDSK Checks a disk and displays a status report.
CHKNTFS Displays or modifies the checking of disk at boot time.
*CHOICE Batch file command that allows users to select from a set of options. 
CIPHER Displays or alters the encryption of directories [files] on NTFS partitions.
*CLIP Redirects output of another command to the Windows clipboard.
CLS Clears the screen.

List of online IMAGE EDITING sites

Best online photo editing sites that you can use in free for editing your images.

1) Photofunia

2) Dumpr

Basic Shortcut Keys and their work

Basic Shortcut Keys

Shortcut KeysSupported Window VersionsDescription
Alt + e95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, VistaPull down the top Edit menu.
Alt + f95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, VistaPull down the top File menu
Ctrl + a95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, VistaSelect all text.
Ctrl + c95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, VistaCopy selected item(s) (to clipboard).
Ctrl + f95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, VistaFind.
Ctrl + v95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, VistaPaste copied item(s) from clipboard
Ctrl + x95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, VistaCut.
Ctrl + Ins95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, VistaSame as Ctrl + c
Ctrl + (left arrow)95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, VistaMove one word to the left at a time.
Ctrl + (right arrow)95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, VistaMove one word to the right at a time.
Shift + Ins95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, VistaSame as Ctrl + v
Shift + Delelte (or Del)95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, VistaCut. Or permanently delete selected item(s) on Windows Explorer.

Top VIRUS remover tools no need of ANTIVIRUS

These tools will help you in removing VIRUS completely from your system. These tools sre available in free.

1) Adware cleaner

List of online PROXY providing sites

Best sites for online PROXY:


List of top computer VIRUSES

List of viruses and related programs

A and A
Windows 95/98
Windows 95/98
Acid.670, Acid.670a, Avatar.Acid.670, Keeper.Acid.670
Windows 95/98
DOS (Windows 95MS-DOS)
ABC-2378, ABC.2378, ABC.2905
Month 4-6
David-1173, Tuesday
AIDSB, Hahaha, Taunt


World's top Hottest female HACKERS

Kristina Vladimirovna Svechinskaya

Kristina Svechinskaya, a New York University student is one of the most common names in the hacker’s world. She is Russian money mule maker who was arrested on November 2010 and accused of breaking into millions of dollars from several banks in Britain and America and for usage of multiple fake passports. Svechinskaya was dubbed "the world's sexiest computer hacker" for her raunchy, but casual appearance.

Svechinskaya used Zeus trojan horse to attack thousands of bank accounts along with nine others and opened at least five accounts in Bank of America and Wachovia to disburse the theft money. For all her hacking activities and for using the passports fraudulently it is said that she may have to pay huge penalty of 40 years of imprisonment. It is estimated that with nine other people Svechinskaya had skimmed $3 million in total.